
Carl Jung: “The aim of individuation is nothing less than to divest the self of the false wrappings of the persona on the one hand…”

  “The aim of individuation is nothing less than to divest the self of the false wrappings of the persona on the one hand, and of the suggestive power of primordial images on the other.” Collected Works 7 The Function of the Unconscious Paragraph 260

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Carl Jung: “The unity of the Stone is the equivalent of individuation…”

(Jung is talking here about the Philosophers’ Stone) “The union of opposites in the stone is possible only when the adept has become One him/herself. The unity of the stone is the equivalent of individuation, by which [we are] made one; we would say that the stone is a projection of the unified self. This…


Jung Quote: “A mother-complex is not got rid of by blindly reducing the mother to human proportions.”

  A mother-complex is not got rid of by blindly reducing the mother to human proportions. Besides that we run the risk of dissolving the experience “Mother” into atoms, thus destroying something supremely valuable and throwing away the golden key which a good fairy laid in our cradle. That is why mankind has always instinctively…

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C.G. Jung: “I have no theories about dreams….”

I have no theory about dreams, I do not know how dreams arise. And I am not at all sure that – my way of handling dreams even deserves the name of a “method.” I share all your prejudices against dream-interpretation as the quintessence of uncertainty and arbitrariness. On the other hand, I know that…


Synchronicity and the Self: the Rainmaker Story

from Mysterium Coniunctionis There was a great drought where [Richard] Wilhelm lived; for months there had not been a drop of rain and the situation became catastrophic. The Catholics made processions, the Protestants made prayers, and the Chinese burned joss-sticks and shot off guns to frighten away the demons of the drought, but with no…


The Shadow: Acknowledging imperfection

Recognition of the Shadow, on the other hand, leads to the modesty we need in order to acknowledge imperfection. And it is just this conscious recognition and consideration that are needed whenever a human relationship is to be established. A human relationship is not based on differentiation and perfection, for these only emphasize the differences…

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Jung on the Shadow: Making the darkness conscious

(from The Red Book) One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.   Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of…