C.G. Jung: “In Hitler, every German should have seen his own shadow, his own worst danger.”
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C.G. Jung: “In Hitler, every German should have seen his own shadow, his own worst danger.”

    From Civilization in Transition Collected Works Volume 10 Paragraphs 455-456 The individual’s feeling of weakness, indeed of non-existence, was thus compensated by the eruption of hitherto unknown desires for power. It was the revolt of the powerless, the insatiable greed of the “have-nots.” By such devious means the unconscious compels man to become…

C.G. Jung: “Everyone knows nowadays that people ‘have complexes.’ What is not so well known… is that complexes can have us.”
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C.G. Jung: “Everyone knows nowadays that people ‘have complexes.’ What is not so well known… is that complexes can have us.”

C.G. Jung, On the Nature of Complexes   So far, I have purposely avoided discussing the nature of complexes, on the tacit assumption that their nature is generally known. The word “complex” in its psychological sense has passed into common speech both in German and in English. Everyone knows nowadays that people”have complexes.” What is…

Carl Jung:  “Complexes behave like independent beings”
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Carl Jung: “Complexes behave like independent beings”

    Let us turn first to the question of the psyche’s tendency to split. Although this peculiarity is most clearly observable in psychopathology, fundamentally it is a normal phenomenon, which can be recognized with the greatest ease in the projections made by the primitive psyche. The tendency to split means that parts of the…

Carl Jung: On the unconscious complexes of a nation triggering a catastrophe
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Carl Jung: On the unconscious complexes of a nation triggering a catastrophe

    From The Symbolic Life, Vol. 18 of the Collected Works, (Princeton, 1976 ), Paragraphs 1374-1378   For about half a century now science has been examining under the microscope something that is more invisible than the atom—the human psyche—and what it discovered at first was very far from enjoyable. If one had the…

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Question: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?”

  (On the Jung-Hearted Facebook site, these were the response to the question of July 14: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?): DO: Art. Create art. RP: Choose to see it as a ‘lesson’ in ‘self-discovery’… RN: Any exaggerated feelings I have for another,…