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C.G. Jung: “The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings.”

C.G Jung, on the longissima via: . . . One could say that while the patient is unconsciously and unswervingly seeking the solution to some ultimately insoluble problem, the art and technique of the doctor are doing their best to help him towards it. “Ars totum requirit hominem!” [“The art requires the whole person.”] exclaims an old alchemist….

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Dry Stone Walling: The art of Dan Snow

[soliloquy id=”8195″]   The urge to individuation gathers together what is scattered. Carl Jung Collected Works 11   All loose stone was at one time part of the living earth. In walling, I bring stone back together, even if artificially and only temporarily, and reunite it with the earth. Walling puts back what has come…

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C.G. Jung: “The mandala is… the path to the center, to individuation. ”

  “My mandalas were cryptograms concerning the state of the self which was presented to me anew each day… I guarded them like precious pearls…. It became increasingly plain to me that the mandala is the center. It is the exponent of all paths. It is the path to the center, to individuation. ”  …


C.G. Jung: “What is it, in the end, that induces a man to go his own way and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist?”

    What is it, in the end, that induces a man to go his own way and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist? Not necessity, for necessity comes to many, and they all take refuge in convention. Not moral decision, for nine times out of…


C.G. Jung: “This process of becoming human is represented in dreams and inner images as the putting together of many scattered units…”

    Becoming Human   “This process of becoming human is represented in dreams and inner images as the putting together of many scattered units, and sometimes as the gradual emergence and clarification of something that was always there. The speculations of alchemy, and also of some Gnostics, revolve around this process. It is likewise…

Carl Jung: “The urge to individuation gathers together what is scattered…”

  Self-reflection, or – what comes to the same thing – the urge to individuation, gathers together what is scattered and multifarious and exalts it to the original of the One, the Primordial Man. In this way our existence as separate beings, our former ego nature, is abolished, the circle of consciousness is widened, and…

Carl Jung: “To find out what is truly individual in ourselves, profound reflection is needed…”

  “To find out what is truly individual in ourselves, profound reflection is needed; and suddenly we realize how profoundly difficult the discovery of individuality in fact is.”   The Portable Jung Edited by Joseph Campbell, Relation Between the Ego and Unconscious  Page 103   


Carl Jung: “The aim of individuation is nothing less than to divest the self of the false wrappings of the persona on the one hand…”

  “The aim of individuation is nothing less than to divest the self of the false wrappings of the persona on the one hand, and of the suggestive power of primordial images on the other.” Collected Works 7 The Function of the Unconscious Paragraph 260