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Jung’s dream before discovering alchemy: A library with 16th century manuscripts

Before I discovered alchemy, I had a series of dreams which repeatedly dealt with the same theme. Beside my house stood another, that is to say, another wing or annex, which was strange to me. Each time I would wonder in my dream why I did not know this house, although it had apparently always…

C.G. Jung:  “When a man is in the wilderness, it is the darkness that brings the dreams.”

C.G. Jung: “When a man is in the wilderness, it is the darkness that brings the dreams.”

  Jung: “You can be sure your dream is your nearest friend.”   When I went to East Africa, I went to a small tribe in Mount Elgon and I asked the medicine-man about dreams. He said, “I know what you mean; my father still had dreams.” I said, “You have no dreams?” And then…


Jung: “When one dreams of baptizing, taking a bath, the ocean or in water generally….

  Jung: On Water Symbolism…   When one has awoken from Muladhara, one goes into the water, which represents the unconscious where one faces the Leviathan/Crocodile from the depths which are ones own demons. The Leviathan is the biggest and most fearsome creature of the watery depths. (but it represents the same animal as the…

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Carl Jung: “When you dream of a savage bull, or a lion, or a wolf pursuing you, this means: it wants to come to you.”

    When you dream of a savage bull, or a lion, or a wolf pursuing you, this means: it wants to come to you. You would like to split it off, you experience it as something alien, but it just becomes all the more dangerous. . . The best stance would be: ‘Please, come…