Carl Jung: “I need not have written any books; it is all on the stone.”
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Carl Jung: “I need not have written any books; it is all on the stone.”

  After completing the Orphan Stone, Jung told Maud Oakes, “I need not have written any books; it is all on the stone.”   He placed it outside the tower, as a monument to the place. From Mystical Emergence: An Architectural Journey Through Jung’s Tower Inscribed on the Stone: I am an orphan, alone; nevertheless…

On Carl Jung’s 75th Birthday Stone:  “I am an orphan, alone: nevertheless I am found everywhere.”
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On Carl Jung’s 75th Birthday Stone: “I am an orphan, alone: nevertheless I am found everywhere.”

On the Stone at Bollingen   “I am an orphan, alone: nevertheless I am found everywhere. I am one, but opposed to myself. I am youth and old man at one and the same time. I have known neither father nor mother, because I have had to be fetched out of the deep like a…

Carl Jung:  “That is my stone.  I must have it!”
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Carl Jung: “That is my stone. I must have it!”

The Rejected Stone The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone. Psalm 118: 22 From Memories, Dreams, Reflections The story of how this stone came to me is a curious one. I needed stones for building the enclosing wall for the so-called garden, and ordered them from the quarry near Bollingen….

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Jung, Alchemy, Egg and Soul

       “It is required that the vessel be not only round but egg-shaped.”    From Psychology and Alchemy:   “For the alchemists the vessel is something truly marvellous: a vas mirabile. Maria Prophetissa  says that the whole secret lies in knowing about the Hermetic vessel. “Unum est vas” (the vessel is one) is emphasized…

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Carl Jung: The Diamond as an Expression of the Philosopher’s Stone

  Carl Jung: The Diamond as a Symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone From Psychology and Alchemy: “The diamond is an excellent symbol because it is hard, fiery, and translucent. Orthelius tells us that the Philosophers have never found a better medicament than that which they called the noble and blessed Stone of the Philosophers, on…

C.G. Jung: “The egg is a germ of life with a lofty symbolical significance…”
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C.G. Jung: “The egg is a germ of life with a lofty symbolical significance…”

Ophic Egg   (Jacob Bryant, 1774)   The Philosophical Egg “The egg is a germ of life with a lofty symbolical significance. It is not just a cosmogonic symbol — it is also a “philosophical one”. As the former it is the Orphic Egg, the world’s beginning; as the latter, the philosophical egg of the medieval…