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C.G. Jung: “The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings.”

C.G Jung, on the longissima via: . . . One could say that while the patient is unconsciously and unswervingly seeking the solution to some ultimately insoluble problem, the art and technique of the doctor are doing their best to help him towards it. “Ars totum requirit hominem!” [“The art requires the whole person.”] exclaims an old alchemist….

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Jung, Alchemy, Egg and Soul

       “It is required that the vessel be not only round but egg-shaped.”    From Psychology and Alchemy:   “For the alchemists the vessel is something truly marvellous: a vas mirabile. Maria Prophetissa  says that the whole secret lies in knowing about the Hermetic vessel. “Unum est vas” (the vessel is one) is emphasized…

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Dry Stone Walling: The art of Dan Snow

[soliloquy id=”8195″]   The urge to individuation gathers together what is scattered. Carl Jung Collected Works 11   All loose stone was at one time part of the living earth. In walling, I bring stone back together, even if artificially and only temporarily, and reunite it with the earth. Walling puts back what has come…


C.G. Jung: “we all have to be ‘crucified with Christ,’ i.e., suspended in a moral suffering equivalent to veritable crucifixion.”

  The reality of evil and its incompatibility with good cleave the opposites asunder and lead inexorably to the crucifixion and suspension of everything that lives. Since ‘the soul is by nature Christian’ this result is bound to come as infallibly as it did in the life of Jesus: we all have to be ‘crucified…