Jung Quote: Mothers
The more remote and unreal the personal mother is, the more deeply will the son’s yearning for her clutch at his soul, awakening that primordial and eternal image of the mother for whose sake everything that embraces, protects, nourishes, and helps assumes maternal form, from the Alma Mater of the university to the personification of cities, countries, sciences and ideals.
“Paracelsus as a Spiritual Phenomenon” (1942) In CW 13: Alchemical Studies P.47
Looking for the four archetypes of Jung RE mother:
A: The possessive mother who leads the child to death
B: The possessive mother who leads the child to life
C: The liberating mother who leads the child to death though he is free of her.
D: The liberating mother who leads the child to life and her own discoveries.
Is this familiar …is this Jung?