
Carl Jung: “If you can prove receptive to this ‘call of the wild’…”

  If you contemplate your lack of fantasy, of inspiration and inner aliveness which you feel as sheer stagnation and a barren wilderness, and impregnate with the interest born of alarm at your inner death, then something can take shape in you, for your inner emptiness conceals just a great a fullness if only you…

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Stone Sanctuary, Chapter 2: “Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.”

  Not only is it a mystery to me of why the Stone Sanctuary needs to be built, but it is also it is also a mystery as to how my hands find the stones that fit. There is no conscious process of choosing to look for a stone with certain dimensions and angles —…


Question: “How do I apply Jungian concepts to the Mideast Conflict?”

[These were the responses to “”How do I apply Jungian concepts to the Mideast Conflict?” on Facebook on July 20, 2014:] VR: Apply love, not concepts. JM: I believe the practice of compassion is helpful. Breathing in the pain and and suffering, breathing out healing golden light JH: The projection of the shadow on to…

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Question: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?”

  (On the Jung-Hearted Facebook site, these were the response to the question of July 14: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?): DO: Art. Create art. RP: Choose to see it as a ‘lesson’ in ‘self-discovery’… RN: Any exaggerated feelings I have for another,…