Stone Sanctuary, Chapter 2: “Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.”
Not only is it a mystery to me of why the Stone Sanctuary needs to be built, but it is also it is also a mystery as to how my hands find the stones that fit.
There is no conscious process of choosing to look for a stone with certain dimensions and angles — there is only walking among the stones on the ground and letting my hands choose the stone.
It is also not a process that can be pushed; in the wrong mood, the wrong frame of mind, the stones do not find their place.
It felt good to have these two stones find each other.
“It does not suffice in all cases to elucidate only the conceptual context of a dream content.
Often it is necessary to clarify a vague content by giving it a visible form.
This can be done by drawing, painting, or modeling.
Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.”
Carl Jung
Collected Works
Volume 16
The Practice of Psychotherapy
Paragraph 181
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