
Carl Jung: “It shakes off the mortal husk that I am and awakens to a life of its own.”

“The alchemists saw it in the transformation of the chemical substance. So if one of them sought transformation, he discovered it outside in matter, whose transformation cried out to him, as it were, “I am the transformation!” But some were clever enough to know, “It is my own transformation-not a personal transformation, but the transformation…

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Carl Jung: “The unity of the Stone is the equivalent of individuation…”

(Jung is talking here about the Philosophers’ Stone) “The union of opposites in the stone is possible only when the adept has become One him/herself. The unity of the stone is the equivalent of individuation, by which [we are] made one; we would say that the stone is a projection of the unified self. This…

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Splendor Solis: “The Philosophers’ Stone is produced by means of the Greening and Growing Nature.”

THE FIRST TREATISE In the Following Treatise We shall Discourse on the Origin of the Stone of the Philosophers and the Art How to Produce It. The Philosopher’s Stone is produced by means of the Greening and Growing Nature. HALI the Philosopher, says thereof: “This Stone rises in growing, greening things’. Wherefore when the Green…