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Question: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?”

  (On the Jung-Hearted Facebook site, these were the response to the question of July 14: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?): DO: Art. Create art. RP: Choose to see it as a ‘lesson’ in ‘self-discovery’… RN: Any exaggerated feelings I have for another,…

Why stones?

After an unexpected heart operation and near death experience at the age of 52, I had an overwhelming impulse to build a stone cave. After the two more heart interventions — the placement of stents — and another near death experience, I felt an overwhelming need to build a stone labyrinth. Since my recovery from…


Eliade, Jung and Alchemy

While trying to understand the thinking of Eliade and Jung, I came across this article by Cerena, a graduate in Mythological Studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute… Interesting reading about a very important topic: Alchemy and the Hermetic Tradition: Mircea Eliade and Carl Jung August 9, 2009 (Excerpts) The relationship between Mythology and the Religious traditions…

Snakes in the Psyche

In Amy Hardie’s recent documentary film,The Edge of Dreaming, (reviewed yesterday) she encounters a huge snake that devours her during a shamanic healing. Out of this experience, she recovered from what appeared to be a fatal lung disease. Why the snake? Perhaps the commonest dream symbol of transcendence is the snake, as represented by the…