Excerpt from the essay Time, Synchronicity and Evolution F. David Peat
Yet there are also moments in the life of each one of us when we touch what the Irish writer, James Joyce, termed an epiphany, so that “the soul of the commonest object…. seems to us radiant”. Epiphanies are occasions of benediction when meaning floods as a blessing into our lives and we have a profound experience of recognition, pattern, numiniousness, a deeply felt intuition of the rightness of a particular situation, and of a world that suddenly makes sense.
Within such a moment the habitual distinction we make between inner and outer, subjective and objective, dream and reality breaks down to reveal the cosmos and our own lives under the one light.
This experience of epiphany is the essential feature of what the psychologist Carl Jung termed a synchronicity. In turn, synchronicities reveal the larger patterns of the cosmos, including those movements of growth, realization and renewal we call evolution. (Full article)
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