Top Ten Anagrams for Carl Gustav Jung
Do you stay up late trying to figure out anagrams for Carl Gustav Jung?
((By now you must have figured out there is only one English anagram for Carl Jung — “Jar Clung.” I am not sure what the long term implications of this Jungian fact are.))
Your anagram worries are over. After many sleepless nights, I have figured out for you, gentle reader, the top ten anagrams for Carl Gustav Jung. Sadly, there are no really memorable anagrams. (However, you can make “avuncular” out of his name. I like that.)
This should help you sleep much easier now.
Vacant Jug Rugs
Scant Vulgar Jug
Vast Narc Jug Lug
Jug Cravat Lungs
Cravat Jug Slung
Vast Car Jug Lung
Curt Gals Van Jug
Curt Slag Van Jug
Vast Curl Jug Nag
Curl Jugs Van Tag
Thanks! Sleeping much better now. Didn’t know that was the problem!
Yes, Ms. Mattie, there is nothing like a good anagram to help you have sweated rems, er, sweet dreams.