Nigredo Image II

Only after I had familiarized myself with alchemy did I realize that the unconscious is a process, and that the psyche is transformed or developed by the relationship of the ego to the contents of the unconscious. In individual cases that transformation can be read from dreams and fantasies. In collective life it has left…

Snakes in the Psyche II

Continuing in the amplification of the healing snake in Amy Hardie’s The Edge of Dreaming… (… Snakes on a plane, snakes on a woman, snakes on a stick — snakes everywhere….) The woman with the snake coiled around her looks particularly unhappy; I suspect this picture was not her idea…. More on men’s projection about…

Jung Blogger: Jung-at-Heart

Cheryl Fuller, the blogger and Jungian psychotherapist behind Jung-at-Heart, has been posting blogs since February 2007. The posts are often thoughtful writings on the process of psychotherapy, with (obviously) a Jungian orientation. Most blogs in this fast-food-world lack depth of presentation or inquiry; Ms. Fuller’s articles are well-thought through and well-written. Psychoanalysis cannot be considered…

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Book: The Roots of Coincidence

The 1983 album Synchronicity was inspired by Arthur Koestler’s The Roots of Coincidence , which has substantial material about Jung’s idea of synchronicity.Koestler (1905-1983) wrote numerous essays, novels, and autobiographies. In this later years, he developed Parkinsons disease; he and his wife eventually deliberately overdosed on barbituates and alcohol. The passage below is part of…