Carl Jung: “What is important and meaningful to my life is that I shall live as fully as possible to fulfill the divine will within me.”
(from the Red Book)
Carl Jung, on “The Resurrection of the Christ Within”
What is important and meaningful to my life is that I shall live as fully as possible to fulfill the divine will within me. This task gives me so much to do that I have no time or any other. Let me point out that if we were all to live in that way we would need no armies, no police, no diplomacy, no politics, no banks. We would have a meaningful life and not what we have now—madness. What nature asks of the apple-tree is that it shall bring forth apples, and of the pear-tree that it shall bring forth pears. Nature wants me to be simply man. But a man conscious of what I am, and of what I am doing. God seeks consciousness in man.
This is the truth of the birth and the resurrection of Christ within. As more and more thinking men come to it, this is the spiritual rebirth of the world. Christ, the Logos—that is to say, the mind, the understanding, shining into the darkness. Christ was a new truth about man. Mankind has no existence. I exist, you exist. But mankind is only a word. Be what God means you to be; don’t worry about mankind which doesn’t exist, you are avoiding looking at what does exist—the self You are like a man who leans over his neighbor’s fence and says to him: “Look, there is a weed. And over there is an-I- other one. And why don’t you hoe the rows deeper? And I why don’t you tie up your vines?” And all the while, his own garden, behind him, is full of weeds.
C.G. Jung Speaks
Page 75
“The Resurrection of the Christ within” is perhaps one of the most important and fundamental, and crucial of Jungs assertions; I know it as I experience it likewise…..
Thank you……….Gail Green
I am deeply grateful! And although I have known of and appreciated Carl Jung/jungian psychology over the years this is the very first time I’ve seen this particular quote – and it now radiates in my heart and mind!
Thankyou for havong found and shared this quote. I am 69 years ofage and have undergone the transformation process that all are called to but few are willing to undertake. After a major enlightening event, i began to read CGJ’s view as it was providing a frame for what I was experiencing.
On June 18th of this past year, I consciously entered in a daily dialogue with the CHrist within, reading intuitively from the Epistles of Paul. DOing so revealed the synchronity menionned by Jung at work in the process. The answers to the questions asked were so spot on, resonated so trongly that I began to sense the presence of the Christ within.
It is indeed a permanent presence after awhile. I believe the ‘strength/joy/peace that eventually commes out of the daily meditative practice of this presence is what all hope for. This act of faith is indeed why I s well say, like CGJung: “What is important and meaningful to my life is that I shall live as fully as possible to fulfill the divine will within me. This task gives me so much to do that I have no time or any other”.
I feel deeple Jung’s feeling of commitment. Jung has allowed me, in my human experience,to understand God”s infinite plan. Conciousness or awareness or awakening are my priorities to follow the beautiful, intelligent and spiritual legacy that Jung left to us all
as Mr Jung so graciously contributed to the 12 steps of the AA recovery programme I can only assume this commentary is related to
a member f AA doing someone elses’ inventory ………………….