Stone Sanctuary, Chapter 11: The Red Egg Rises



Completion: The Red Egg Rises


When the heart attack had me nine years ago, I had no idea of the long journey that was about to unfold.

There is no absolutely way I would have chosen to have go through this ordeal, yet from it emerged a much deeper connection with life and spirit that is beyond words, a sanctuary of stones.

As I was completing the red stone egg– and the first snow was falling– I found myself deeply grateful for this involuntary journey, for those I have met along the way, and for the enduring love and devotion of my wife.

As with Psyche and the seeds, this was a good time to sit down and cry.

Previous: Sorting the Stones


  1. Pingback: Sorting the Stones
  2. Dear Stephen – your enduring personal pilgrimage towards deeper and deeper levels of exploration of your self/Self, with a generosity and transparency bar none, you share with all of us here on FB. The healing of your heart and each of our hearts radiates,continues to be ignited by this beautiful flame you tend. I feel many of us constellate around your ‘ Stone Sanctuary’ . The Red Egg meditation space you created ( and shared in photos some time ago) is precious, and I sometime reflect on how delightful a project. The Courage (couer fr. – heart ) and focus the labor of love for self and other is deeply appreciated. You may never know the extent you touch others lives in spirit as you dwell in a far off land, but your posts are richly received. May you be granted a good healthy long life. Thank you kindly … Anna

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