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Carl Jung: The Diamond as an Expression of the Philosopher’s Stone

  Carl Jung: The Diamond as a Symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone From Psychology and Alchemy: “The diamond is an excellent symbol because it is hard, fiery, and translucent. Orthelius tells us that the Philosophers have never found a better medicament than that which they called the noble and blessed Stone of the Philosophers, on…

The Story of the Stone at Bollingen
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The Story of the Stone at Bollingen

The Inscriptions on the Stone at Bollingen In Bollingen, silence surrounds me almost audibly, and I live “in modest harmony with nature.” Thoughts rise to the surface which reach back into the centuries, and accordingly anticipate a remote future. Here the torment of creation is lessened; creativity and play are close together.In 1950 I made…

C.G. Jung: “It might be said that the secret of Merlin was carried on by alchemy…”
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C.G. Jung: “It might be said that the secret of Merlin was carried on by alchemy…”

Merlin Tutoring Arthur, 14th Century Merlin and Mercurius   Merlin represents an attempt by the medieval unconscious to create a parallel figure to Parsifal. Parsifal is a Christian hero, and Merlin, son of the devil and a pure virgin, is his dark brother. In the twelfth century, when the legend arose, there were as yet…

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Stone Sanctuary, Chapter 1: “I had to make a confession of faith in stone.”

It has a been a bit of a  puzzle to me why I have been so consistently drawn to working on the Stone Sanctuary for the last three years. In the next few weeks, I hope to explore the symbolism of stones and the psychological process of working with stones. The work above is the…