Carl Jung:  “That is my stone.  I must have it!”
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Carl Jung: “That is my stone. I must have it!”

The Rejected Stone The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone. Psalm 118: 22 From Memories, Dreams, Reflections The story of how this stone came to me is a curious one. I needed stones for building the enclosing wall for the so-called garden, and ordered them from the quarry near Bollingen….

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Jung, Alchemy, Egg and Soul

       “It is required that the vessel be not only round but egg-shaped.”    From Psychology and Alchemy:   “For the alchemists the vessel is something truly marvellous: a vas mirabile. Maria Prophetissa  says that the whole secret lies in knowing about the Hermetic vessel. “Unum est vas” (the vessel is one) is emphasized…

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Carl Jung: The Diamond as an Expression of the Philosopher’s Stone

  Carl Jung: The Diamond as a Symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone From Psychology and Alchemy: “The diamond is an excellent symbol because it is hard, fiery, and translucent. Orthelius tells us that the Philosophers have never found a better medicament than that which they called the noble and blessed Stone of the Philosophers, on…

Splendor Solis

Splendor Solis

  About the Splendor Solis, from The Alchemy Website The Splendor Solis is one of the most beautiful of illuminated alchemical manuscripts. The earliest version, considered to be that now in the Kupferstichkabinett in the Prussian State Museum in Berlin, is dated 1532-35, and was made in the form of a medieval manuscript and illuminated…