Splendor Solis

Splendor Solis

  About the Splendor Solis, from The Alchemy Website The Splendor Solis is one of the most beautiful of illuminated alchemical manuscripts. The earliest version, considered to be that now in the Kupferstichkabinett in the Prussian State Museum in Berlin, is dated 1532-35, and was made in the form of a medieval manuscript and illuminated…

The Story of the Stone at Bollingen
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The Story of the Stone at Bollingen

The Inscriptions on the Stone at Bollingen In Bollingen, silence surrounds me almost audibly, and I live “in modest harmony with nature.” Thoughts rise to the surface which reach back into the centuries, and accordingly anticipate a remote future. Here the torment of creation is lessened; creativity and play are close together.In 1950 I made…