Jung writes all 64 hexagrams of the I Ching from memory…

“Sympathetic this his psychology, before they met, [Jolande Jacobi] was mesmerized afterwards when Jung wrote all sixty-four hexagrams from memory.”[1928] Jung, A Biography Page 367 From Memories, Dreams and Reflections I first met Richard Wilhelm at Count Keyserling’s during a meeting of the “School of Wisdom” in Darmstadt. That was in the early twenties. In…

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Jung recounts his dream about Richard Wilhelm (translator of the I Ching)

A few years later Wilhelm was staying as a guest in my house, and came down with an attack of amoebic dysentery. It was a disease he had had twenty years before. His condition grew worse during the following months, and then I heard that Wilhelm was in the hospital. I went to Frankfurt to…