Alice Walker, Possessing the Secret of Joy, and Carl Jung

Clearly, Carl Jung makes people happy…. Click this link for more about Jung’s carving on his 75th Birthday Archetypal Symbolism in Possessing the Secret of Joy Southern Literary Journal Alice Walker’s fifth novel, Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992), marks a new beginning for an author/activist who explicitly appropriates Carl Jung’s archetypal patterns of the…

Jung writes all 64 hexagrams of the I Ching from memory…

“Sympathetic this his psychology, before they met, [Jolande Jacobi] was mesmerized afterwards when Jung wrote all sixty-four hexagrams from memory.”[1928] Jung, A Biography Page 367 From Memories, Dreams and Reflections I first met Richard Wilhelm at Count Keyserling’s during a meeting of the “School of Wisdom” in Darmstadt. That was in the early twenties. In…