Top Ten Bogus Jung Quotations
One of my biggest complaints about much of the Jungian material on the Web is that it is un-sourced – it is passed on and on, without a reference to its origins. With the idea that if you can’t beat them, join them, I thought I would contribute my own Jungian statements, that Carl Jung…
Carl Jung’s Top Ten One-Liners
Continuing in the Top Ten template mold, here are ten of what I think are the best single sentences that Carl Jung wrote or spoke. Note that none are attributed to a source; this is continuing another trend, of putting quotations out on the Internet without any clue to as to where they came from….
Why are Republicans happier than Democrats?
…….I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Believe me, rich is better……. (Mae West) Research consistently suggests that Republicans are happier with their lives; this appears to in spite of the fact that they report more nightmares. This would suggest that it is better to repress emotions (a strategy which is more likely to lead…
Unleashing the American Psyche: What are Liberal nut jobs doing to this country?
The Anchorage Daily News picked up the Jungian satire on Sarah Palin on November 19, 2010 and to date there have been 180 comments. I have noticed when I have visited other websites like the Huffington Post that articles about Sarah Palin seem to draw substantial (and usually emotionally charged) content. Until now, however, I…
What does Charlie Rose know about Carl Jung?
Not much, apparently. In this 2004 interview with Deidre Bair, author of the best and most thorough biography of Jung (Jung — A Biography), Charlie Rose clearly lacks much knowledge about Jung and has no perspective of his importance in the current culture. Click to go to interview: I would also note that…
How Many Carl Jungs does it take to change a light bulb?
A) Carl Jungs? There was just one Carl Jung. As he allegedly said, “Thank God I’m Jung, and not a Jungian.” B) Do you really think changing the external light will change the internal light? C) Carl Jung doesn’t change light bulbs. He changes consciousness. D) Think instead of the diamond body… The production and…
Questions about Carl Jung: Why Did Carl Jung Cross the Road?
Why Did Jung Cross the Road? A) Carl Jung didn’t cross the road. He followed the road, to individuation. B) Carl Jung didn’t need to cross to the other side. He could get to the Other Side with active imagination. C) To integrate the other side. (Thanks to Peter Lakanan, from the…
Toni Wolff: Women around Carl Jung
In an earlier post, some material about Toni Wolff was provided. (Additional historical material can be found at the end of this post.). In a comment to that post, Jungian analyst John Allan wrote: I’ve read through the Red Book and am left with the feeling that Sonu does not honor the role that Toni…