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Jung recounts his dream about Richard Wilhelm (translator of the I Ching)

A few years later Wilhelm was staying as a guest in my house, and came down with an attack of amoebic dysentery. It was a disease he had had twenty years before. His condition grew worse during the following months, and then I heard that Wilhelm was in the hospital. I went to Frankfurt to…


Jung’s Essay on Ulysses

James Joyce with Ezra Pound, Ford Madox Ford, and John Quinn, ca. 1923. Like every true prophet, the artist is the unwitting mouth-piece of the psychic secrets of his time, and is often as unconscious as a sleep walker. Carl Jung, in his essay on Ulysses James Joyce’s Ulysses is frequently considered one of the…

Synchronicity: “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards”

From the Wikipedia entry on synchronicity One of Jung’s favorite quotes on synchronicity was from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll, in which the White Queen says to Alice: “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards”. ‘It’s very good jam,’ said the Queen. ‘Well, I don’t want any TO-DAY, at any rate.’…

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Book: The Roots of Coincidence

The 1983 album Synchronicity was inspired by Arthur Koestler’s The Roots of Coincidence , which has substantial material about Jung’s idea of synchronicity.Koestler (1905-1983) wrote numerous essays, novels, and autobiographies. In this later years, he developed Parkinsons disease; he and his wife eventually deliberately overdosed on barbituates and alcohol. The passage below is part of…