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Jung, on Emotions and the Shadow

    The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality…., for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of It involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge, and…

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C.G. Jung: “There is no birth of consciousness without pain.”

  Marriage, Pain and Consciousness . Seldom or never does a marriage develop into an individual relationship smoothly and without crises. There is no birth of consciousness without pain. The ways that lead to conscious realization are many, but they follow definite laws. In general, the change begins with the onset of the second half…

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C.G. Jung: “There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.”

  “The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true sense of the word. Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of combustion and that of creating light. On the one hand, emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings…

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Carl Jung: “When you dream of a savage bull, or a lion, or a wolf pursuing you, this means: it wants to come to you.”

    When you dream of a savage bull, or a lion, or a wolf pursuing you, this means: it wants to come to you. You would like to split it off, you experience it as something alien, but it just becomes all the more dangerous. . . The best stance would be: ‘Please, come…

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C.G. Jung: “This is the mother-love….”

  This is the mother-love, which is one of the most moving and unforgettable memories of our lives, the mysterious root of all growth and change; the love that means homecoming, shelter, and the long silence from which everything begins and in which everything ends. From Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious      


Jung and Yoda

The archetype of spirit in the shape of a man, hobgoblin, or animal always appears in a situation where insight, understanding, good advice, determination, planning, etc., are needed but cannot be mustered on one’s own resources. The archetype compensates this state of spiritual deficiency by contents designed to fill the gap.   “The Phenomenology of…