The Stages of Carl Jung’s Bollingen (1)
The Tower at Bollingen
The Tower at Bollingen
A few years later Wilhelm was staying as a guest in my house, and came down with an attack of amoebic dysentery. It was a disease he had had twenty years before. His condition grew worse during the following months, and then I heard that Wilhelm was in the hospital. I went to Frankfurt to…
Many folks interested in Jung think that this is the best of the books about him; when I read it in my twenties — knowing nothing about Jung — I found it a bit strange and hard to follow. I don’t think it is necessarily the best book to start reading about Jung (which is…
From the Philemon Foundation Website: In Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung recounted the dream in which Philemon first appeared to him. Jung saw a sea blue sky, covered by brown clods of earth that appeared to be breaking apart. Out of the blue, he saw an old man with kingfisher wings and the horns of a…
Soul Stones From A Thousand Voices: It takes a Thousand Voices to Tell a Story Reverend Anthony David Jung 6, 2010 When Jung was ten, and feeling particularly alienated from his school-mates, and therefore at odds with himself, he found himself doing something with the “yellow, varnished pencil case of the kind commonly…