
Jung at the end of World War II: “Will the Souls Find Peace?”

General Alfried Jodl signs the unconditional German nation surrender document at Rheims, France, in order of the new Government Doenitz  Although WWII may seem like a long way away, the psychological processes of projection are always present. We are still at war. At the end of this interview, Jung says, “I have already suggested that…

Carl Jung analyzes Picasso

Pablo Picasso The Dream 1932 Mark Harris: C.G. Jung and Picasso In 1932, Carl Gustav Jung wrote a perceptive analysis of Picasso’s psychology after seeing an exhibition of his paintings at the Zürich Kunsthaus. The analysis was published in the Neue Züricher Zeitung. The article offended many of Picasso’s admirers in the artworld. In it…

Carl Jung: Spy #488

Carl Jung was recruited by Allen Dulles, through Mary Bancroft, to provide psychological profiles of Hitler and the German psyche. Dulles met with him on several occasions; Eisenhower read his report before the final invasion of Germany. It is quite difficult to track down this information; some of it can be found in the furnished…

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Jung recounts his dream about Richard Wilhelm (translator of the I Ching)

A few years later Wilhelm was staying as a guest in my house, and came down with an attack of amoebic dysentery. It was a disease he had had twenty years before. His condition grew worse during the following months, and then I heard that Wilhelm was in the hospital. I went to Frankfurt to…