To Dream of Eggs…


Magritte:  Key to Dreams

Understanding the Symbolism of Eggs in Dreams


In coming across Michael Cornwall’s excellent post about how Jung utilized emotion as a key in understanding the dream, I somehow got to wondering how Internet dream sites interpreted dreams of eggs.

In general, one has to be very careful of fixed interpretation of dream symbols.   If I remember correctly, Jung would sometimes tell his gardener about his dreams, as a way of helping him understand that the dream wasn’t about, since his gardener would inevitably give him a kind of fixed/folk interpretation.

Keeping that caveat in mind, here are some attempted interpretations of egg symbolism from the Internet.    So as not to encourage the fixed approach to dream interpretation, only one site is linked  (Tony Crisp’s), one of the better ones.



Apart from being food the egg is used in dreams to indicate your potential, the parts of you as yet unrealised or not fertilised by your conscious action or quality.

It might also represent the female ovum, prenatal life, being pregnant and from that the possibility of new life, new opportunities. Because of this connection with being unborn it sometimes is used to show a retreat from life, a desire to stay in the egg.

An egg is fragile and because it holds the potential of life, can express the feeling of vulnerability with something precious.

If the shell of the egg is figured it may be saying, ‘come out of your shell’, grow up, or even “I do not want any part of life out of the womb”.

Whether the egg has hatched or not shows whether what is new in your life has emerged yet, or is still latent and needing further caring support.

Eggs can also represent nourishment, and if being eaten again link with potential in this case nourishing your potential and helping it to develop.

The environment the egg or eggs are in gives a clue to the situation you are in regarding your potential and the development of what you are capable or. Basically you need to see if the eggs are protected, or in a difficult or threatening situation. If the latter, then you need to be more aware of how you are failing to support your own possibilities.


To see or eat eggs in your dream symbolize fertility, birth and your creative potential. Something new is about to happen. If the eggs are scrambled, then the dream represents your commitment on a set course. It may also mean that you need to accept the consequences of your actions. If you see eggs hatching in your dream, then it indicates that you will realize your goals. It also means that your ideas are coming to fruition.

To find a nest filled with eggs in your dream signify some financial gain; the more abundant and bigger the eggs, the more significant the gain.

To see cracked or broken eggs in your dream represent feelings of vulnerability or a fragile state in your life. Consider the phrase, walking on eggshells. Alternatively, you may be breaking out of your shell and being comfortable with who you are.


To see bright colored eggs in your dream symbolizes celebration of a happy event.


 Eggs are symbolic of something new and fragile. They represent life and development in its earliest forms and, as such, the possibilities are limitless. At times, eggs can represent captivity or entrapment.


A great omen! It indicates that a change is around the corner. According to old dream oracles from Egyptian times this dream is connected to life and spirituality and often represents our potential within. The meaning of this dream is to apply your knowledge and experiences that you have learnt in your life so far so that you can deal any problems in the future.

The general interpretation of having an egg in your dream is an indication of all the possibilities in life that have yet to come to the surface, if your dream involves eating eggs then this indicates the need to segment certain aspects of your life and to approach these as separate entities – in order for you to move forward in a different ways and face your fears and doubts. It is important that you face your fears in order to achieve success. If your dream featured a black egg then this is often associated with Satan and the sinister forces within. A black egg can also show fragility and may be connected to the family or perhaps a love relationship.

An egg can be taken as a symbol of spiritual development and awareness, this dream is often linked to progress life, you may need to escape a situation for a while as the situation is holding you back. To dream of cooking, seeing or eating an egg in your dream.


 Eggs are generally thought of as fragile things, easily broken or cracked.

When hit or hit against something from the side, this is true.

However, despite this flaw, the truth is the egg’s design is actually a marvel of strength as the video below shows.

The shape of the egg is basically the shape recognized the world over: the arch.

Arches are architectural marvels of strength as they compress the weight along its surface.

Dreams of eggs can therefore, indicate that the dreamer, while he may feel fragile, may even feel broken, has a hidden strength that perhaps he himself has not recognized or acknowledged.

Eggs dreams coming at a time in which the dreamer feels particularly vulnerable may be asking the dreamer to become more like the egg and the strength found in its arch shape.

That is, the dreamer must identity where her vulnerable spots are and nurture them, while simultaneously learning how to find strength along the lines she might not have previously considered looking.



To dream of finding a nest of eggs, denotes wealth of a substantial character, happiness among the married and many children.

This dream signifies many and varied love affairs to women.

To eat eggs, denotes that unusual disturbances threaten you in your home.

To see broken eggs and they are fresh, fortune is ready to shower upon you her richest gifts.

A lofty spirit and high regard for justice will make you beloved by the world.

To dream of rotten eggs, denotes loss of property and degradation.

To see a crate of eggs, denotes that you will engage in profitable speculations.

To dream of being spattered with eggs, denotes that you will sport riches of doubtful origin.

To see bird eggs, signifies legacies from distant relations, or gain from an unexpected rise in staple products.


  1. I had a dream recently about seeing a mature oak or elm tree with a large canopy of branches with leaves. There were two huge eggs nestled in the branches. In the dream I felt ivery intrigued by the sight of these large eggs and what creatures they might hatch. I don’t remember anything else but when I awoke I felt quite excited about the dream image of these large eggs in the tree.

  2. I’ve had a dream regarding having a carton of brown organic eggs. I’m not sure, but I think I was planning on baking a cake. I started cracking the eggs but each egg white was like blood and the yolk looked like or similar to a blood clot. I kept cracking the eggs and each egg was like the one before. I remember thinking, how all I going to eat these. I didn’t eat them, just thought more or less “how can I?” I didn’t use them for cooking. Just thought about what I was going to do with them.
    I woke up shortly after that.

  3. Also just had a strange egg dream. Someone was going to cook me an egg, one of those brown organic ones. I think it was a girl I dated briefly years ago. My current girlfriend was with me as well, the girl cracked the egg into a pan, then made two small slits in the yolk and blood came out. It had been a small brown egg, but when it was cooked we ended up with much larger amount of scrambled eggs than one small egg should yield.

    Very strange… Any ideas? Other symbolism in the dream were a room full of billiards tables, no balls on them though. A room full of dogs, and a guy giving me $700 to bring to someone else but demanding that I be responsible for repayment if the person did not pay his debt. Anyway…. egg part was probably the strangest though.

  4. Last night in my dream I was placing sparrow eggs for hatching purpose. What I see was the two eggs got broken or already hatched and sparrow babies were in it. What does this dream means? I have seen this kind of dream before as well with chicken eggs.

  5. I dreamed (two nights in a row) that I was sitting by a fire at night. There was a man nearby, (shaman?) who gave me an egg.When I cracked it open I saw a blade of grass iside. I knew it meant something but didn’t know what. I had a feeling of frustration at not being able to interpret its meaning.

  6. I’m up earlier than usual this morning because of my dream. My dreams are intense almost every night, and have been for a long time. I feel like this one has some major significance in my life. In this particular one I dreamt a beautiful older black woman had given me a perfect white egg, carefully placing it in my hands. I wish I could recall what she had said to me as she did’s almost as if she mouthed words to me without speaking. My surroundings were white..this is the only egg dream I have had before. Very interesting, my thoughts are stuck on it.

  7. please i had a dream that plenty eggs were hatching human beings. they were beautiful so i was standing there admiring them and saying they are beautiful. Then I saw an aunt in the dream who said there are plenty eggs at the other end that will hatch more beautiful then what I am seeing. After this i woke up from my dream.

  8. I dream of hatched eggs and after that day I got couples of blessings that I never expect and till now I keep receiving it.I dream again last night.all I know is egg dream is a good sign but not fully know the meaning so I searched it and this page appeared and omg! Everything there are happening to me.
    I am trapped in a bad relationship right now too and scared to end it,just really need to face my fear.

  9. Woke up very afraid and gaging after this dream. I googled it right away and I am very pleased. I am going through loving times with a new spouse and I am afraid because he loves me that much and its new to me “to be loved”.

  10. Dreamt of a fly entering the top of a boiled egg and going inside it only to exit a few minutes later followed by three other flies in succession.this happened again three times.

  11. I dreamt of an egg that was built into the base of a wall in my hallway. I knelt down to touch it and it was stuck in the wall but I picked off a piece of the shell (I think it was hard boiled) and it had a slight blue tint to it. I feel new beginnings around the corner and continued spiritual growth. I feel the egg could have symbolized the importance of strong foundations or that you are strong and mighty even if seemingly small and fragile like the egg 🙂

  12. I dreamed of having a dozen of eggs in my car that I new were ready to crack open but I didn’t want them to. In my understanding it was warm and the right temperature for the eggs to hatch but I wanted to keep them cool so they should not. Then all of a sudden while I was driving, when I stopped from one egg a big chicken came out, not a little one like normal, and it just run flew out of my car I could not even catch it.Then all the eggs hatched and gave chickens, all big enough to go on their own and no need to nurture them. I was surprised.

  13. I dreamed that I told a strange woman she should eat some eggs and I would fix them for her. I hunted for them and found two rather large free range perfect white eggs, but when I picked them up, they were both fragile and the shells cracked in many places. The membranes remained intact, so I felt if I could find a frying pan quickly I could still use them. I came into a strange kitchen looking for a frying pan and couldn’t find one or anything to use to cook these eggs. Then the owner of the kitchen showed up and I told her how important it was to cook the broken eggs quickly and get them to the woman, and the owner was helpful. We went to open the eggs and place them gently into the frying pan, then found that chicks were developed inside the membranes and were moving their partially formed wings. One even stood up on it’s abnormally tall thin legs. I said we can’t cook these eggs because they’re alive, and I was happy about that, but sad that something seemed wrong with the chicks, and that I couldn’t feed the woman I wanted to help.

  14. I’ve dreamed last night, it was really an unusual dream and I don’t know the meaning of it, that’s why I came to seek an answer. My dream goes like this, i went to wee and after i’ve seen a big egg like an ostrich egg that about to hatch in the toilet bowl where i used to wee, in my dream as well i saw my deceased mother, i was worried because when the egg was hatched, it was a baby boy inside, a beautiful baby boy and my mother carefully took him and tried to resucitate him because we thought that the baby that came from the shell was dead, but when my mother did that, the baby came to life. And then i woke up.. what is the meaning of it?

    Please help.. thank you

  15. I had a dream when i am having a nap at the evening around 04:30pm. In my dream i went to shop to buy an egg ,while i was buying an egg the shopkeeper unfortunately broke some of them ….
    I just want to know what does it means

  16. I dreamt I invited a lot of friends to eat hotcakes, sunny side eggs and bacon. I ran out of eggs, went to buy more and they seemed black on the inside. When I cracked them, they had beautiful frozen deep purple blackberries with cream cheese. Any clues?

  17. i had a dream that we were in a room where a cow was being slaughtered,and out of that cow came an egg.i was excited and wanted to cook the egg but it hatched right in front of me into a chick.whats the meaning of this dream?

  18. I dreamed of eggs but they were in the fridge when I try to cracked them all of them they were rotten and inside they had blood plz help I’m worried I need to know the meaning

  19. My friend woke up feeling as though she had a nightmare. She dreamed that she went to the store and went to buy eggs. When she opened the egg carton, the carton was empty. She also said that there were several cartons stuck together and those cartons were also empty. She is very concerned and is desperately wanting an interpretation. She even posted the dream on FB asking for someone to help her find out the meaning. Can someone help with this interpretation?? Thank you.

  20. I dreamed my pastor and his wife was packing up eggs to give to people. But one box of eggs had a crack one and you could see the yoke. And my pastor was very adamant about not a certain person having a complete box of eggs. What does this mean.

  21. Iv had a dream, its me bieng given an egg but not a normal egg it was a bit larger than normal , and i dont remember that i recognized the face of the women that gave it to me but i remember she was handing it to more than one person but we were all children and what i remember specificly about the egg is how warm it was and i could see a bieng inside of it that i could see sleeping in there and i held on to it so tight and started walking and then that was it .
    I cant quiet get a meaning by what i read above.

  22. Dreaming of eggs means you’ll hear the blues a callin’ tossed salad..HATCH! You’ll be hatched like an egg, an irreversible process according to the old deans of thermodynamics. And then poached.

  23. I am from Africa . I had a dream of people gathered at a home steady having a meal with hard boiled eggs . There were so many people maybe more than a Hundred people .

  24. I had a dream I was holding a White egg that later hatch in my hand what does this dream means

  25. I had a dream that my sister’s bestfriend was in. I remember in the dream she said she wanted to be just like me. Then she showed me two massive eggs nestled in a blanket to be kept warm and protected. They were large like i guess a dinosaur egg but they were brown like a chicken egg. And i remember being surprised then thinking thank goodness they were safe and nothing happened to them.

  26. I had this dream when I was 7, or so—In my dream I woke up from a dream and realized that one of my ears were missing (don’t know which ear). I told my mother about my missing ear, she told me to, “put an egg there” where my ear once was, which I did.
    ~I think the dream has to do with listening, which I am only beginning to do.

  27. My dream was this, a strange looking bird flew onto a sideboard next to a sink and proceeded to lay eggs ( not sure how many) but the eggs were huge! So much so , the person I was with was trying to sqease them out the bird, I said “no” let it do it itself and the bird layed huge eggs, I also tented the nest with material I had around the house., the colours of the eggs were not bright but not your normal brown hen eggs. Then some time in the dream the bird fell into the sink that had very hot water in and I saved it! I don’t think this was in my house as I did not reckonised it, but it was a very strange intense dream.

  28. I have a very sweet dream about eggs the other night. I was with my ex-boyfriend. We still love each other, but we are not together right now. I found three small eggs. Maybe Pheasant eggs? I wanted to protect them and so I picked two of them and I handed them over to my friend for safe keeping. And I picked up the third one and I became very curious and so I used my finger now to poke and Peele open one side of it and one side pull the pheasant eggs? I wanted to protect them and so I picked two of them and I handed them over to my friend for safe keeping. Then I picked up the third one and I became very curious and so I used my finger now to poke and Peele open one side of it and one side pull the top top open I saw there was a baby bird fast asleep or dead inside of it. I looked at how vulnerable it was and I felt badly because maybe it wasn’t ready to come out and I had killed it by opening it up. But then suddenly it woke up and shed its shell and started walking all around my arms as I was trying to hang onto it because I was so excited and alive! I was her only looking for a box I looked at how vulnerable it was and I felt badly because maybe it wasn’t ready to come out and I had killed it by opening it up. But then suddenly it woke up and shed its shell and started walking all around my arms as I was trying to hang onto it because it was so excited and alive! I was her Adley looking for a box , A lightbulb and some newsprint to put down in the box so that it could be safe and away from my doggy. But the little bird was so cute and a little hard to keep a hold of as it was running around my body and is grew up so quickly it became an adolescent right before my eyes with big beautiful feathers and then settle down in my left arm and gently looked up at me very sweetly with it’s big , A lightbulb and some newsprint to put down in the box so that it could be safe and away from my doggy. But the little bird was so cute and a little hard to keep a hold of as it was running around my body and is grew up so quickly became an adolescent right before my eyes with big beautiful feathers and then settle down in my left arm and gently looked up at me very sweetly with its big eyes so contently. I thought surprised and I felt it’s contentment and its beauty.

  29. i dreamt i was sweeping up egg shells from behind a dusty floor. The eggs were of different sizes and considering how thin their shells were they seemed to be bird eggs the size of a chickens egg. But among them, there was an unhatched 1. The eggs were really old and looked rotten, anyway, my sister took the egg and broke it, letting out a bird which was a bit premature but alive. WE took the bird and raised it but when i tried to feed it i realized that it had no mouth. Then i woke up.

  30. I had a dream this morning about walking my dog with my brother around my house and we saw these trees that had fallen over so we were searching for a swan and after a while of looking around and playing on the logs we finally found a swan that was nestled on maybe 15-20 eggs. As I was looking I saw some eggs were hatched while other weren’t ready yet and if I looked closer I could see little fluffy swans in them. We didn’t touch the eggs because I told my brother to leave the eggs and the mother swan alone alone. The swan and my brother we’re talking about how she would leave by the morning to find a new nest in a different environment and my brother was saying how he would find her again. But eventually we went inside the house and left the mama swan alone.

  31. I dream nest with egg ast nigth.. I saw in my dream a nest in the high way while im driving when i get close to the nest i open it and i saw several egg the color is white and same big not sure i dont know how many.. Any one can what the meaning please… Thanks

  32. I left an egg on to of the kitchen table in the middle I don’t know how it ended up in the diaper bag it was broken like when you drop it in a pan. What does that mean.

  33. I dreamt of a thatch room surrounded by chicken eggs. And the eggs are many and white. As I entered the room I didn’t find any chicken only eggs. Please help me to understand the meaning of this dream.

  34. I cant find anything online about my dream maybe you can help me. I was in a brightly lit house with two rooms and old friends that i have not seen in a while were there. I was probably a little rude to the one who broke my friends heart and then my dream shifted to a competition i was not part of but my fiance was. they had to eat a hard boiled egg with a black bird embryo inside of it. It looked like a regular hard boiled egg with a little black bird fetus. My fiance took a bite and then spit it out saying he couldnt do this but i could. What does this mean!?!? I was watching the competition from the other room. After he said i could i woke up. Please someone give me an interpretation.

  35. A strange coincidence, when a dream touches reality. On Saturday night I dreamed that I was in my own kitchen with an ostrich egg, which I was intending to use for making a cake. But I didn’t know the equivalent value of one ostrich egg to hens’ eggs, so I was about to ask someone who was just outside my field of vision. Then I suddenly thought “But where did the ostrich egg come from? There’s no ostrich farm around here. The only one I’ve ever seen is hundreds of miles from here.” (it’s actually in the village where my late parents-in-law lived.) End of dream.
    The following afternoon, completely on the spur of the moment, my husband and I decided to go to a Christmas Fair – definitely not the sort of thing we’d normally choose to do on a Sunday in winter. At the Fair, rather incongruously, there was a stall being run by…. ostrich farmers! Not a local farm: they had come a long distance. And yes, they were selling ostrich eggs, both fresh ones and ones which had been “blown” empty. There were huge white one like my dream and smaller very shiny black ones.
    In our personal life, we’ve been very much hoping for significant changes and a house-move. Until I read the possible significance of the dream, I thought there wasn’t much that I could do to move things forward, but now I’m laughing to myself. The cake I’m making in my dream is my way of helping to create a big and beautiful future.

  36. OMG, i dreamt of very many eggs some were fresh and one had a crack so on checking the crack, i realised that there is a chick hatching and it hatched even its mother was there laying more fresh eggs, could be related to riches also?

  37. I dreamt i found 3 eggs. 1 of them was red and 1 of them was larger than the other 2. I cared for them and they hatched. Out of the red egg came a tiny baby human with a head of dark curly hair. Out of the larger egg came a womans face and out of the last egg came 2 miniture birds that resembled panda bears. I remember wondering how to feed them before my dream changed. Any thoughts to what this may symbolize?

  38. I had a dream that my child and i found a basket of very old eggs. They had been left and forgotten. It was almost as if they had been fossilized. They looked like stones. My child proceeds to take one out of the basket and smash it. Im horrified by what will come out and how it will smell. So i turn away and i never end up knowing.

  39. I had a really interesting dream about eggs today. There were six of them, all lined up and carefully set, like knickknacks on a bookshelf. I thought they were decoration because they were all so pretty, but the person in my dream with me encouraged me to crack them open with him. We did it very gently, I remember that specifically, and in the first egg (opened by him) there was a little stone statue of an animal. When I cracked mine and carefully opened it, there was a moonstone carved into a rabbit, and I was very excited because rabbits in the Chinese zodiac are known for their sensitivity and creativity. We cracked the next ones and I can’t remember what was in them, but the last one I cracked held a very pretty abalone shell. Pretty interesting dream, actually! I could even hear the shells as they were cracked open.

  40. My dream involved me cleaning up eggs from (my?) bedsheets. I wasn’t doing a good job of it.
    The eggs were also slowly cooking and I was scraping them with a spatula as they cooked. (I was allowing them to cook so i could better scrape them.) Eggs were in more than one spot on my sheets. I felt frustrated as I was doing this.
    I am well past the fertility age, so I don’t think it has anything to do with conceiving.
    Any thoughts?

  41. I dreamt that I was following this man and his child. He was carrying an egg that his wife had given him to protect. All of a sudden we were in danger and we had to run. The man tossed the egg aside and picked up his daughter to run. I grabbed the egg because I knew his wife would have wanted it. I said “hey, just because her daughter is in danger doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still try to protect the other.” When I picked it up, I saw that it had cracked. We were walking in a snow storm and I was trying to keep it warm but despite my efforts the egg became fairly cold. When I examined it again, the shell broke further exposing the inside. I saw a yellow yolk but not just one; there were three. I tried to tape the egg back together but I thought for sure that it was hopeless and whatever was growing in the egg was going to die. I was wondering what this all means. My boyfriend has a daughter with another woman. We recently found out I was pregnant but decided it was not the right time to have a kid. I’m still really sad about the whole thing. I’m wondering if this dream is supposed to tell me anything.

  42. I’ve been dreaming about making hard boiled eggs, but when I go back to the stove to take the eggs off they are all broken black and oozing a blackish liquid …. It’s been in my dreams the past few days, but all my dreams are different….what could this symbolize?

  43. I dreamed having two fresh eggs in my pocket and when I was running they all fall down and brek what can it mean

  44. Dreamed last night, that I had cracked an egg over a hot pan, ordinary white chicken egg. As I opened it over the hot pan out dropped a not yet fully developed chick, which struggled and died almost instantly. I was very disturbed, and the dream re enters my thoughts all day. Ideas, though?

  45. Talk to folks your trust about what is going on in your life — and how is this dream a metaphor for what might be happening… one needs a lot of understanding of a life situation before one can interpret a dream..

  46. I came out in an open fields, at my direction where I came out from, was like a long boys quarter built in form of class rooms at the front of it on the fields, there were the three chair separated from each other along with three huge egg hanging up on the sit, I wonder what must have laid it maybe a giant bird or giant’s eagle

  47. My father who has been deceased for almost 21 years was in the backdrop of this pleasant dreams of boiled eggs. The were cut in half as to display for beautiful hand painted, but …the shells has been removed and cut in half. No bad Snell …very pleasant colors if Amber’s iranges and rich earthrtines. I remembered feelings if happy expectancy. .,ad they fwere larger than normal, very serene boiled shelledainted shelled eggs foul odir .. beautiful

  48. I had a dream with two white eggs, I was going to cook it but suddenly it break and it was rotten

  49. I would like to know what this dream means
    I was walking in a garden taking in some fresh air and whilst walking I looked up and right in front of me was a tree filled with white eggs all over like hundreds of them.
    The amazing thing is how the egg stay on the leaves of the tree without falling down.
    I reached out to take one of the eggs and it just rolled down my arms and I was able to catch without it getting broken
    Please help

  50. I just had a dream that a woman being comforted by a man and she was apologizing because she didn’t know what had just happened. Then a flashback that she had spewed hundreds of round and almost see through dinosaur eggs from her mouth. They sprayed out like a water hose . Then the man she was apologizing to started spraying hundreds from his mouth and he fell to the ground and passed out. I was aware that he wasn’t dead and assumed he would awaken like she did. I also k ew when I saw this that they were dinosaur eggs because there were small dinosaurs in other areas of my dream. After the egg situation there were small dinosaurs eating some of the baby dinosaurs.

    Anyone have ideas about this ?

  51. I had a dream and I saw a chicken hatch it was moving along with it’s chicks..

  52. Just had a dream.I had found many nests of different eggs.some of the eggs were small and disfigured and were super white in colour while some of the other eggs were brownish and big and can be deemed as healthy.
    The egg nests were in a dumpsite and so I decided to collect the eggs and take them home with me.
    Anyone care to interpret please.

  53. It is often the rejected part of the part, i.e. the dumpsite, where the redemption and path towards wholeness begins. A good place to collect eggs and their potential for new growth from

  54. I was in a swimming in River with a friend and cracked an egg and watched it float on the surface downstream for a moment before my friend insisted I retrieve it… so I did… then I cupped it up in both hands and rubbed the yolk all over my face as though I were trying to imbue my face with all of the nutrients of the egg… so weird!

  55. i dreamt that i am eating a lot of eggs and many more eggs are still there not yet broken,and are all cooked eggs on a bare floor.

  56. Good Afternoon, I am Deepak today early morning around 3.30 a.m i dreamed that i saw that chicken in the field and than went from there than i went to that place and i am removing egg one by one so many eggs it can be around 30 to 40 eggs and than i saw i have 2 to 3 golden eggs which is in dark yelllow. Kindly I request can anybody interpret my dream.

  57. Comment I dreamt about seven eggs being removed from my stomach and someone placed it inside a bowel and add something to it. after I saw myself carrying a baby.

  58. I dreamed about i saw a lot of raw eggs in a big basin. The eggs that already cracked from their shells. There are 2 men carrying a big basin of eggs ready to scramble or cook. And i was amaze of how big the basin and how many eggs are there.

  59. Please I dreamt of breaking the eggs of a dove… the dream I meant to fry them but did not until I woke up….could you please help me with the meaning?

  60. I had a dream of seeing many cooked eggs in a bowl and l was giving some to the mother of a man who just proposed to me with some strong excitement in me and that of the mother too

  61. It takes knowing the person and their circumstances to understand dreams… If you haven’t read it, I would start with Jung’s Man and His Symbols.

  62. I fly without having wings on a tree and saw one very big egg in Nestlé on the tree and I picked the egg and drop down while I landed I then saw another small three eggs staying one one each on separate closely on the ground.

  63. I dreamt that some one who used to be my friend gave me a board that had some eggs tied on to it, then I realised some eggs were missing, only to find them on the floor in my room broken, then I started scooping them off the ground with my hands so that I can go and cook it

  64. I dreamed I was purchasing a carton of eggs at the grocery store. I was horrified upon the realization that the eggs were not pasture-raised. The carton was designed to decieve one into thinking they were. I immediately went to find pasture-raised eggs and there were none. The store had stopped stocking them. In the dream I decide to mot buy any eggs at all until I find some from chickens who enjoyed freedom and fresh air. I am angry at the store for not supporting these small farmers and for using deceit. I leave with no eggs. I have been wondering if this symbolizes my relationship with my own creativity and potential. That I have caged and limited it, all while deceiving myself into thinking it was freedom. In the dream I felt shock and horror… and perhaps fear and revulsion.

  65. This has been an eye opening read. I had a dream last night that I was at a grocery store. I’d got a carton of eggs and was checking out when I suddenly realized I had grabbed the wrong carton. These eggs were not from cage-free, pasture-raised hens, though the packaging would have you think otherwise. I leave the check out line to find the pasture raised eggs and discover they no longer stock them. I am outraged and decide not to buy any eggs at all. I experienced feelings of horror upon discovering what I thought I was getting was in fact the opposite, anger that the store did not stock the real thing but instead tried to pass off the eggs they had as something they were not. I am wondering if this dream signifies my relationship with my creativity. That I have been limiting and “caging” my creative potential under the illusion of freedom, and am waking up to the truth of things. Therefore abandoning the false potential and beginning the search for my true creative power?

  66. I picked up 2 eggs of python and dropped it off as it started chasing after me, what’s the meaning of that

  67. I had a dream with just yellow egg yolks but lots and lots of them. They were all wrapped in wipes inside the package. What is the meaning to that??

  68. Erika: Understanding dreams is a long and worthwhile endeavor — but giving an interpretation on one dream without knowing the person isn’t possible. Thanks for adding your dream here

  69. Cats and turtles were hatching from eggs in my dream.. yes – cats as in felines. They had bright orange and black coat..

  70. I dreamt last night that I was cutting open a peeled hard-boiled egg, lengthwise, and was stunned when I cut through to find there was no yolk! It was just solid white. That’s all I recall of the dream.

    Coincidentally, the day before this dream, I was presented with a business opportunity that I accepted, though I am a bit uncertain how well it will work out financially and time/stress-wise. I also just decided two days ago that I want to make enough money and start saving to hopefully be able to buy a house in the next couple of years.

    On a side note, a few weeks ago I bought a flat of eggs and found FOUR eggs in the package had double yolks! I don’t normally care for dream meaning/folklore stuff but the double yolks in real life a few weeks ago followed by the dream of the yolk-less egg last night caught my attention. Any thoughts?

  71. And to add to that dream comment, there was also some “light” playful talk with my long term boyfriend the day before the dream about the idea of having a kid at some point. So lots of “eggy” stuff going on just before this dream — lots of life/work/future discussion.

  72. I dreamt that I was attempting to hatch a bunch of eggs but instead of chickens they contained clones of myself. Any comments on that?

  73. I dream of a hatching phoenix egg while holding it and its mother is whatching me flying right beside me..

    Please could anyone tell me the meaning?

  74. I dreamed I was pregnant…and found a birds nest with several eggs in it on the ground. I assumed they were all dead. I picked up an egg, it was black underneath ..white on top..also the biggest. And it broke open and a baby owl slid out, covered in goo. I think it was dead, I was shocked and woke up.

  75. A kind of,I don’t know how the egg got to my hands,suddenly at the midst of everyone I cracked it open and poured it all to my mouth. It was a dream and I don’t know the meaning. Someone should help out urgently please.

  76. I had a dream of fresh raw broken eggs in a bowl, when i saw it i said i will use it for breakfast but before i came back it all messed on floor I was angry but someone help me to pick the egg yolks without breaking back in the bowl and I picked the fresh raw egg white back and was happy

  77. What does it mean when a big black egg appears on top of your head and cracks open, then I took my hoodie off and it disappeared in the day light

  78. I just had a dream that I was laying in bed,a women presumably a nurse was asking someone by what name should they call me.becouse they didnot want to be disrespectful,I replied Jackie over Jacqueline becouse everyone calls me that.The man left,then the lady said to me,you are being given a custard egg,I knew you would be lucky today. baffled as to what this meant. my guess.I will get my just desserts.

  79. I dreamt that me and my mother went tk a high place where church is located… then i saw lady selling red salted eggs placed in circular tray forming a circular pyramid… then my mom told me that she cooked a fried fish… i responded that is okay if we add a tomatoes and onions in the salted eggs… the i woke up…

  80. I saw someone in my dream showing and telling about how he wants to fry 2 Ostrich Egg. The 2 eggs where being broken into a bowl. I saw him trying to pout away little water from the eggs. Pls what does this means?

  81. Dream of following a rolling raw shelled egg under heavy furniture attempting to get it with my hand and I see another egg there but no shell its exposed and I am trying to figure out how will I pick it up with out breaking the yoke and making a mess? Reach to retrieve the other egg I had followed 1st and I feel something other than egg and I am touching feeling a big fuzzy spider and I am fighting my fear of panic if I recoil I may break the shelled egg and make a mess of the other exposed egg yoke as well. Heartbeats increases and hand is cramping in fear. To move or grab ?, I close my eyes and I then awaken deeply panting.

  82. I have had really strange dreams. 1 dream I gave birth to kittens on a lake in a boat. Which was strange because the lake in my dream was in a my town I live in.. Then last night I was walking to a tree with someone and we climbed the tree and saw 2 or 3 really big eggs and she was going to pick them up and I said no leave them alone.. The eggs started to hatch and kittens came out of the eggs with one of the eggs I helped take the shell off. And there was 3 baby kittens..

  83. I own 6 turkeys. Last night i dreamed that maybe 4 or five of them layed a nestfull of eggs. One of the nests are teeming with eggs and i was so happy so i picked up a round egg and cracked it, then i excitedly picked up a somewhat looked like an elongated egg and cracked it and got two healthy fresh yolks. I weng to the other nest and picked up an unusually small round deformed egg. I looked at the other eggs from the same nest and noticed all the eggs from the nests dont look like turkey eggs at all because they are all white and their sizes varry too. Then i woke up. What could my dream mean?

  84. I dreamt about this Dark black and purple egg, I absorbed half of it, and it seems the egg wasn’t a good thing they locked down the area and I just kept sliding and like being pulled back to the egg it was weird it sorta looked like the ender dragon egg but somewhat translucent Please someone tell me what this means but from reading this this DOES help, And if someone wants to help, I was approached by a stray black cat with a yellow left eye I thought something happened or it was hurt in the other Because I didn’t see the other eye this happened the dream Could Someone tell me what it means? I don’t know much about this place but please- someone tell me because I woke up feeling strange

  85. I had a dream that either I or someone cooked scramble eggs with outdated milk and I tasted them before I seen that the milk was out dated and said these eggs taste funny? I don’t get it bc bc when I opened the refrigerator it was full of outdated milk

  86. I dreamt I was loading my car at a store or grocery store and this handsome gentlemen (reminiscent of an ex of mine) , although the car was much messier, older and clunkier than my actual car, and he gave me a dozen of eggs in a carton and asked if I would give them to these sisters that I used to know. I said sure. The handing of a carton of eggs to me seemed the most profound. Not sure how to interpret !

  87. I had a dream that it’s bothering me. I dreamt that in despair, I picked an egg from a carton of 24 eggs, and I cracked open it with one hand. There was no yolk, and the white of the eggs pulled out in lumps, like almost good (i.e. was not transparent but white). I felt sick, and started to vomit and was desperate until someone sat down with me and told me that I am making a fuss on the one egg, but there are 23 other eggs and they may not all be the same; i.e. it is just a thought.

    I don’t know what it really means, what I know is that currently, I am struggling very hard to make decent decisions in my life. I find it too difficult to commit to something because I am worried that it will turn out to be a disaster; maybe the dream is obvious, but maybe it means something else. Perhaps, anyone can help me interpret this in context? Thank you in advance.

  88. I found an egg, with an unclear expiry date, and tossed it from my parents’ house into the garden. Whereupon, presumably, it broke, although I didn’t see it breaking as the dream ended.

  89. i dreamt holding a 4 eggs two big ones and two small one but mistaking i one of the first. big one fell and roll acrossesd the road and someone stepped on and so i left that location to the market and the second big fell and someones pick it up and ran away and i began to chase the person so i lost one of the small eggs but i catch the person.. thats. all i remember. explain it to me.

  90. My dream was of many eggs in a nest, almost a dozen eggs. Most were brown but some were with mixed colors; pink, green & blue. Not all with solid colors either, some had all those colors mixed in swirls throughout the exterior of the shell. What does that mean?

  91. I dreamt of a happy girl talking to me but I didn’t know her but she talked to me like I was a friend and in that dream I woke up holding a boiled egg that later hatched and Yog came out but it was watery and inside there was a black eye inside what does it mean??

  92. I dreamt of being in a yard with someone. They stated to me that they had eggs. I went and picked up two small perfectly oval white eggs in my left hand. I started to inspect them and noticed a crack on one. The cracked egg started to move, and then the other egg as well, appearing as if to be something trying to get out. Note, not a chick. It startled me and I dropped the cracked egg, and yolk came out on the grass. I was still holding the other egg.

  93. I had a dream I saw a crate of eggs. I notices one or a few had broken so I went to check on them. Then I picked one up that looked in place to see if it cracked as well but it was whole. And once I picked it up and top corner part broke off. The yolk was still in tact. I feel like it had to do with finally starting to come out of my shell but I haven’t fully come out just yet. My new beginning filled with my potential will be emerging soon. Not too sure about the other cracked eggs. Maybe I feel vulnerable or not always secure but in reality there are some hidden strengths I have haven’t fully accepted.

  94. Hmm. It was around 10-11am when I had the dream that I was way egg before I woke up, itwl was a local hen egg. Wlmy younger brother was supposed to eat the egg

  95. I now have had several dreams where I am in my home – I have several egg shaped pieces of decor one being a intricately carved jadeite egg with mogul designs in it. In one dream I accidentally crush the surface when trying to shut it in a box. Then another dream is where I crush a intricately decorated double shell hinged box which I use to hold medication. -the crushing of these real life objects distresses me – and I’m wondering as to the significance of the accidental crushing of these ovum shaped pieces. The dreams are so realistic I feel odd to see the actual “eggs” safe.

  96. Kalie

    If you see this, I’m not affiliated with this blog, I only read your comment after coming here after having my own egg dream, & felt like responding.

    Dreams are messages from the unconscious, and can be felt in the body, like with emotions. You say you awoke feeling strange. Perhaps you can explore that, within your body? I think there is an emotion method that was suggested here as well. Everyone is different, w/ their own unique experiences, & individual associations to dream symbols, so it’s hard to just simply interpret a dream in a standardized way. Also, given that dreams are reflective of the unconscious, & given that the unconscious is very much in the body, it can be helpful to talk with someone you trust, or to perhaps even begin therapy/ analysis yourself if you are able, as being supported, & having a safe container to explore the material can be so useful.. What are your personal associations with cats? With the cat in your dreams? What do you feel in your body as you remember/ dialogue w/ it? What in your psyche and of your soul might be seeking expression? Can you be curious about it? It’s normal to feel strange, uneasy, or even fearful, but it’s important to also have faith, and to trust, to have a sense of gentle courage.

  97. I had a dream that my girlfriend was laying white egg (6 or 8 eggs) so I quickly parked it inside nylon to keep for people not to see but she was so happy inside that dream with the egg….pls what’s the meaning I’m confused

  98. What does it mean when I dreamed of taking a carton of eggs from my fridge, and when I cracked them they were hard boiled

  99. To dream that my sister gave me boil egg in d dream and told me that my prayer has been accepted

  100. I am happy and going to unlock my potential. I experienced a dream last night where i was discovering alot of eggs in my farm. some were being got from soil. I first sent my daughter to bring three crates, they all got full and I sent for more. However, three eggs got broken in the process. I imagined how the whole farm could be full of eggs.
    thanks for the interpretation.

  101. My son has disabled children. He has kepts hen pits. I saw lots of bing bundles of e&ga just outside the house and feel very happy call my son look and see those eggs as probably he owns it.
    Early morning dreem

  102. I dreamt someone gave me a crate of eggs in my hand then I cracked individually one good one in my mouth then spat it out in a bowl which afte the egg looked ganga!

  103. For context, my roommate and I have spent much quality time together these past 3 months, and at one point we discussed possibly getting together romantically as we get along great, love each other’s company, and generally have a great friendship as well. He is the one who brought it up, but he seems to also be hesitant and scared of something so we haven’t gotten together romantically, but we continue to spend hours with each other almost daily.
    The other night he dreamt that I ate all of his eggs. He said that it wasn’t a bad dream, just a weird one. What could this mean?

  104. I had a dream, I was trying to hold some broken eggs not to fall on the floor, while some were neatly arranged in nest at my left side, please what does this mean?

  105. I dreamt I was cracking eggs into a glass and the last one I cracked, 3 black yolks with black ‘egg whites’ fell out.. it was horrifying, can anyone tell me what it could possibly mean

  106. I dreamt that I was on a date at a restaurant with a male friend (not seen him in real life we just chat) and he pulls me up to dance he then takes a bottle of wine rubs it on me and breaks an egg rubs it on me, while smiling. it seemed like part of the dance, he took my wigs off too in the dream I felt uncomfortable but later I was ok. Also I saw my present boyfriend’s mom in the restaurant but she didn’t come to me she just looked at me briefly.

  107. I good morning ,last night I dream of seeing many eggs and a flower garden , my friend was there as well and she threw a stone and broke two of them , but no your yolk was coming out of the eggs it was just shell ,can u tell me the meaning of this dream please and thank u

  108. Thanks for these interpretations of Egg Dream. I feel a bit relief to learn a little about.

    But the dream that I had may not be completely interpreted by just one symbol of it. In same dream it is that I and my wife went shopping and we bought some yams in a bag and eggs in a crate.

    Then as we got home I made to set the eggs where they would be safe and in the process, 3 eggs dropped – one did not break, one merely cracked and the third actually broke.

    Surprisingly, I wasn’t angry but just made up my mind that we shall start by frying these ones first and eat them since we now have yams.

    I have been battling with what the dream protends.

    Could you help, pls?

  109. I am so confused with my dream. I picked up 2 trays of chicken eggs from the kitchen and set them outside in a factory like mechanical machines to check what is inside the egg via light in an automated path. Then the flow got fast and the chicken eggs got bigger and bigger. I came close to one and it popped open as the next egg broke it. I picked the broken one up, and put the yolk on the other broken shell but saw a luminance of a rat behind the shell. I threw it and puked and woke up and almost puked.

  110. i had a dream last night. in the dream, i went to buy a crate of eggs but the sales attendant gave me 7 white eggs. i noticed that a few were broken in halves. some of the broken eggs were empty and some had just little egg white in them. i angrily threw the broken eggs back to the seller. what does this mean

  111. I dreamt I was asked to garden some neighbours lawns and children were happy about it as they enjoyed spending time with me – some adults were there, a love interest I believe as well although I am married in waking life. I was a little embarrassed I was gardening for extra money because I used to have a great career with my husband and he publicly fired me in waking life and feel shame from it – then I offered everyone a hard boiled egg. We all bit into them and the gold was blood, I asked everyone to stop eating them. What does this mean???

  112. I dreamt of 3 birds nests not large not small. Sitting on a shelf in one of the rooms in my house. Each nest had 2 eggs in it a bit smaller than a chickens. I thought to myself this is the perfect example of not having all your eggs in one basket. I looked for the mother bird and looked in another room and saw an owl I looked back at the nests an one egg had hatched. It was a large baby bird like a parrot. It flew to my shoulder then I was holding it. It was cute so I tickled it with my finger. It was annoyed by this and went to bite my finger. I moved my finger away. I tickled it again to see its reaction. It bit my finger deeply and drew blood. I got it to let go and it was not disturbed by me, it just didn’t like being tickled. I realised I should treat it with more delicacy as it was a chick., and marveled at how strong and big it’s beak was for such a young bird.
    I also looked forward to the other eggs hatching and had a constant awareness of the potential of the situation and calmness and security of the eggs in the nests.

  113. Dreamt that eggs were coming out of the mouth with a chick in the egg. I dot remember if it was me or another person in my dream hutch the egg. I think I saw the other person hutch the eggs,

  114. The dream I had I saw many egg of different sizes big and small egg and I was gathering them so that nothing should destroyed them, I am finacially broke so I don’t really understand what this dream meant. The eggs was white in colour very bright, many eggs in different sizes.

  115. I had a dream about an egg uncooked placed in front of me while I was sleeping I am going through something with someone I love who’s holding back their love from me who has betrayed me basically trying to deal with this

  116. I had a dream that I was in a room of people, like a class, standing in a circle. We were passing around a small, clear glass of water with an egg in it. Each person took the glass for a minute or so. When I took the glass the egg gradually changed from light pink to white. Everyone else seemed startled by that. I kept asking what it meant but the instructor was always somewhere I couldn’t speak with her. I woke up before I could find out the meaning. I never had a dream like that before. It was very strange.

  117. I had a dream that I was wandering through the rubble of some old ruins. I came across a small very old well. I searched the surrounding area once and saw nothing, then again and saw what clearly was not there before. A small stone shelf with many shoes on it. Some of these were so old you could barely tell they were shoes and others were not as old made of leather with shoelaces. All of these shoes had an egg in them. The oldest shoes had a petrified looking egg in them but even the newer looking shoes looked like they were from the early 1900’s and their eggs did not look new either. The eggs had small offerings in front of them mostly small toys. I took some of these offerings with me ( something I wouldn’t do in the awake world ) and my dream suddenly changed. There were seemingly possessed people chasing me. I tried to run and fight them off but they were relentless. When I awoke I didn’t feel scared, instead I felt like I was supposed to help some spirit(s) with something that they cannot do? I’m typically a very skeptical person but this dream was VERY real feeling. Thoughts?

  118. I dream that someone who is not even talking to me saying to me to buy 6eggs and take it home for him that eggs where so bright and new but they where in my hands and that person was laughing and his face was so open

  119. I dreamt of boiling an egg and giving it to my old friend to eat. In that same hour/dream, I cried and I was not happy but in the latter part of the dream I was given a tree and was told that the tree symbolise the rainbow. Please what is the meaning and what should I do?

  120. last night i revisited a dream place i had been a couple times before. it was a house in a farm/ranch town where neighbors are far and few between. i had stopped there to stay the night with my partners after a long day of driving into the night as we were on a road trip. the family here had let us stay the night a couple times previously to get some rest before leaving and continuing to drive the next day. this time, one of my partners had taken the truck and left early in the morning before we woke up, so we were stuck there for a while before deciding to just walk and figure it out. fast forwarding, we are leaving this house and it is night time. my partner has started walking already and i was in the house about to leave, but i had to go back to retrieve my eggs that i had not had prior to that moment. it was a basket of white eggs, dozens of them. they were very small eggs though, the size of maybe a bite sized chocolate egg. i got them and i left to catch up with my partner, and we now had an entourage of about 5 people, us and a few friends from real life. we stopped at someone’s backyard and it was now day time, the sun was high and facing this backyard that was a beautiful large pool and jacuzzi, plenty of seating and a view of a wine grape valley. someone had taken an egg out of our cooler, which had my eggs and drinks. they accidentally dropped it on the table. the vibe of the moment was happy and there was camaraderie. when the egg dropped though i gasped, and we all watched as the egg actually hatched into a chicken! a tiny chicken. it was a joyous moment. 4 of them hatched this way as we couldn’t believe it.

  121. I woke up with the image of myself by the kitchen stove pointing a flashlight at two still raw cracked eggs on a pan still vivid in my head. I was moving the beam from the flashlight back and fourth between the eggs that had slowly begun to cook. The image just won’t leave me and is driving me crazy. Throughout the day I have come to remember I was waiting for the results of a pregnancy test as I cooked the eggs. Maybe my self conscious is saying I’m ready for a other baby. Any ideas?

  122. I saw a vision of six eggs in my bedroom cupboard. Three on top, and three below. Can anyone please interpret for me. Thanks!

  123. Saw holding an egg which is boiled and holding it in my hand. I was dropping down from a rickshaw or ’50s 80s baggy carefully but then also the egg dropped down from my hand and smashed. What does this mean if an egg indicates a good omen? It was in my hand and then accidentally fell and smashed and the yolk part was visible on the floor.

  124. I recently dreamed I put a single white egg inside me. I am currently pregnant. I’m trying to better understand the meaning considering I already knew I was pregnant. I just don’t see anything regarding placing an egg somewhere and what that could mean.

  125. Hi thank you for openup my mind about this explanation ,because this is not a first time dreaming about eggs.I dream about seeing big and beautifully colorful eggs,when I wake up I was happy and feeling something good is about to happened in my.

  126. I dreamt that I was almost birthing an egg from a wound in my arm. The egg was made of stone & was inked with a pattern.

    I felt relieved for the egg to have appeared from a quite horrifying wound in my arm that opened up.

    I have periods of sickness, poor health and chronic anxiety/ depression & found this dream to be an incredible message in my subconscious mind of the vulnerability in the wound but also strength of this egg representing my internal power.
    My mind state is shifting since I had this dream.

  127. Thank you for dream interpretation. I found the eggs wrapped in gold and purple colours, fresh eggs some pilled some were fresh eggs, I ate one which confirm chicken egg. I gathered them in one container. Then later my family came to join me and collected theirs. The eggs were found on the beaches and lovely bushes and everywhere. Such beautiful dream.

  128. I woke up with this dream, so it is pretty serious. I went to the supermarket to buy bread and eggs with some people. I had my eggs in my hand, A lady from the supermarket, she seemed to be the supervisor, nudged me and the eggs fell and broke in my hands. I was so angry. I poured the ones in my hands into a plate, and rubbed the rest on the lady’s shirt. We were arguing about who was to blame, when I woke up.

  129. I had a dream there was a chicken in the kitchen looking like it was going to lay an egg but then I was in the kitchen mopping up a lot of egg yolk all over the floor

  130. Had a dream about a small branch was cut in a pile of bushes, and there was a small bird’s nest like a hummingbird , the bird was in it as I approach the bird flew, and there was a small green egg in it, so I Tipp it over on my hand to hold the egg smaller then my pinky nail, and I keept it warm in my hand and breathe on it too, suddenly the green egg grew to the size of my whole hand and it turned white with colorful spots on it. What does it mean?

  131. I saw a full crate of eggs with me protected in one crate and another half crate protected with my bags going to visit my husband please what’s the meaning. Am TTC mum for more than 6years now.

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