C.G. Jung: “I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala…”
Jung Describes His Process of Drawing Mandalas
I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time. With the help of these drawings I could observe my psychic transformations from day to day. . .. Only gradually did I discover what the mandala really is: ‘Formation, Transformation, Eternal Mind’s eternal recreation.’ (Faust, II) . . .
My mandalas were cryptograms . . . in which I saw the self–that is, my whole being–actively at work. To be sure, at first I could only dimly understand them; but they seemed to me highly significant, and I guarded them like precious pearls.
I had the distinct feeling that they were something central, and in time I acquired through them a living conception of the self. The self, I thought, was like the monad which I am, and which is my world. The mandala represents this monad, and corresponds to the microcosmic nature of the psyche.”
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Source of Image: The Red Book, Page 107
Greetings –
I encountered your beautiful meme yesterday, and it has encouraged and inspired me to contact you.
It has opened up my courage and understanding as to the nature of my own process, as, I draw a mandala each day.
I generally share my daily visual meditations on a facebook page, which I would love to show you. I hope this is OK with you…
The syncronicity of your words reaching my eyes, yesterday, was a magical moment for me, as I am now inspired to venture deeper into my understanding,
So – thank you, from a stranger.
Highest Regards