C.G. Jung: “One of the principles of analytic psychology is that the dream images are to be understood symbolically.”
C.G. Jung: The Principle of Understanding Dreams Symbolically
It is a well-known fact that one of the principles of analytic psychology is that the dream images are to be understood symbolically; that is to say, that they are not to be taken literally just as they are presented in sleep, but that behind them a hidden meaning has to be surmised.
It is this ancient idea of a dream symbolism which has challenged not only criticism, but, in addition to that, the strongest opposition. That dreams may be full of Import, and, therefore, something to be interpreted, is certainly neither a strange nor an extraordinary idea this has been familiar to mankind for thousands of years, and, therefore, seems much like a banal truth the dream Interpretations of the Egyptians and Chaldeans, and the story of Joseph who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, are known to everyone, and the dream book of Artemidorus is also familiar.
From countless inscribed monuments of all times and peoples we learn of foreboding dreams, of significant, of prophetic and also of curative dreams which the Deity sent to the sick, sleeping in the temple.
Psychology of the Unconscious
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Image: Rene Magritte, La Clairvoyance
some people discount dreams, out of a lack of awareness, or fear of the unknown. i contend that even when they discount, they still have in some way benefitted by having the dream.
In my work with dream analysis I have begun to feel comfortable with the following generalities;
1. Dreams are the communication from your unconscious to your conscious mind. It is their only way to communicate, and this communication lies solely in the realm of symbols, images and mythos. If you don’t remember your dreams, that means that the communication is effective and the issues are being resolved.
2. Although commonality of dream symbols may be found in dream books due to our collective unconscious, all symbology is in fact personal, and can truly only be discovered by an active interpretation of the dream mythos.
3. if you don’t adequately (and accurately) interpret the dream, it will repeat using perhaps different symbology and imagery, but the mythos will be the same. It will become more pronounced the longer the failed interpretation lasts.