Dorn: “Transform yourself from dead stones into living philosopical stones!”
One Comment
K.C: credit caption is questionable: Aurora was written by Jacob Boehme and Aurora Consurgens is attributed to Aquinas…but I see that Dorn did write the Aurorae Thesaurusque Philosophorum…too many Auroras!
L.L: Be you also as living stones built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. ~ 1 Peter 2:5 [Douay-Rheims Bible]
D.O. More of a condom-indium than a house.
N.H: I really enjoyed reading all of the previous posts. I love the quote but what in the world is the picture portraying??
W.D: A lab apparatus, that man projected his U.C. onto,and was latter realized, that what he was projecting was inside himself
K.C: credit caption is questionable: Aurora was written by Jacob Boehme and Aurora Consurgens is attributed to Aquinas…but I see that Dorn did write the Aurorae Thesaurusque Philosophorum…too many Auroras!
L.L: Be you also as living stones built up, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. ~ 1 Peter 2:5 [Douay-Rheims Bible]
D.O. More of a condom-indium than a house.
N.H: I really enjoyed reading all of the previous posts. I love the quote but what in the world is the picture portraying??
W.D: A lab apparatus, that man projected his U.C. onto,and was latter realized, that what he was projecting was inside himself
J.L: Ya think, Nancy Mount Henderson?! Haha…
J.H: He is measuring his projection, apparently..