Jung, On the goal of psychic development
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Jung, On the goal of psychic development

Carl Jung: “I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the circumambulation of the self.” I began to understand that the goal of psychic development is the circumambulation of the self. Uniform development exists, at most, at the beginning; later, everything points toward the centre. This insight gave me stability, and gradually…

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Question: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?”

  (On the Jung-Hearted Facebook site, these were the response to the question of July 14: “How does a person integrate a personal complex into their life instead of projecting it onto others?): DO: Art. Create art. RP: Choose to see it as a ‘lesson’ in ‘self-discovery’… RN: Any exaggerated feelings I have for another,…