Labyrinth Story 8: Dig a Little Deeper
There is no linear evolution; there is only a circumambulation of the self. C.G. Jung
Labyrinth Story 7: Pythagorus
It became clear to me that the most important aspect of the labyrinth building at this point was to make the perimeter square and level. We spent days shoveling and measuring re-measuring. I had remembered enough from high school geometry and watching carpenters build foundations that I needed to get the diagonal just right, and…
Labyrinth Story 6: Circumambulation
There is no linear evolution; there is only a circumambulation of the self. C.G. Jung When I had finally figured out the paths and perimeter, it was clear there was still a lot of moving dirt and shaping that needed to be done. It still just wasn’t deep enough, and the perimeters were not well…
Labyrinth Story 2: Spirals and Arthur Dove
The spiral labyrinth is one of the oldest of symbols; it depicts the way to the unknown center of death and rebirth, the risk of the search, the danger of losing the way, the quest, the finding and the ability to return. Edmond Whitmont, The Symbolic Quest