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Jung, Alchemy, Egg and Soul

       “It is required that the vessel be not only round but egg-shaped.”    From Psychology and Alchemy:   “For the alchemists the vessel is something truly marvellous: a vas mirabile. Maria Prophetissa  says that the whole secret lies in knowing about the Hermetic vessel. “Unum est vas” (the vessel is one) is emphasized…

Experiencing the Numinous

Image: From The Red Book (partial image) Jung, Collected Works 7, Page 6 Jung, Collected Works , 14, p. 778 C. G. Jungian Society of Vermont Jung and Numinosum Sue Mehrtens Numen is a Latin word, deriving from the verb nuere, meaning “to nod.” Its original meaning was “a nod.” You might well wonder how…