
Synchronicity, Quantum Information and the Psyche

Excerpt from Synchroncity, Quatum Information and the Psyche Journal of Cosmology, Vol 3, pages 580-589. Cosmology, October 8, 2009 In summary, some mental phenomena are not explainable in the framework of what we call “classical” mechanics. Let us cite, among others, the phenomenon of awareness, the correlations at a distance between individuals, and more generally…

Synchronicity: Atom and Archetype

From Atom and Archetype: The Pauli-Jung Letters, 1932-1958 JUNG AND PAULI: A Meeting of Rare Minds BY BEVERLEY ZABRISKIE Readers of the Swiss psychiatrist C. G. Jung are more familiar with Wolfgang Pauli’s unconscious than with his waking life and achievement. Through Jung’s Psychology and Alchemy–an exposition of “the problem of individuation” and “normal development…