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While sitting on the cabin roof in September, having a cup of coffee and looking over the landscape of the Sanctuary, I suddenly saw that there was a natural entrance to the Sanctuary between two young birch trees.

I found the largest remaining stones, and began construction of the portal to the Sanctuary.

The day after I finished was one of those special Fairbanks fall days, when mist rises from the dampened land in the new heat of the morning sun.

Out of the mist a moose walked directly towards me, and through the new stone portal. I found myself slowly backing up; when she was about ten feet away, she turned to get a drink in the pond, and then walked to stand by the Bear Paw.

You would almost think she came out of the Twilight Zone, through that portal,  just at that time, on purpose.   What a blessing! 

Next: Buddha in the Stones

Previous: Spirals

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