C.G. Jung: “we all have to be ‘crucified with Christ,’ i.e., suspended in a moral suffering equivalent to veritable crucifixion.”



The reality of evil and its incompatibility with good cleave the opposites asunder and lead inexorably to the crucifixion and suspension of everything that lives.

Since ‘the soul is by nature Christian’ this result is bound to come as infallibly as it did in the life of Jesus: we all have to be ‘crucified with Christ,’ i.e., suspended in a moral suffering equivalent to veritable crucifixion. 


Psychology and Alchemy

Paragraph 470


  1. I stumbled upon this thought today and this is very interesting to me because the Holy scriptures speak of this truth in many places.
    In light of this Holy season of Passover and The celebration of resurrection of Christ. May he be glorified in our life as we pick up our cross and carry It. The trials we suffer are nothing comparable to what he suffered on the cross.
    The Roman Death penalty was cruel! Hallelujah what a savior.

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