Carl Jung: “That is the self that dwells in the anahata chakra, the heart center…”

“That the self is understood to be an old sage is also an Eastern idea.

There is a Chinese text for example, handed down in philosophical literature, which says, “If though thinketh thou art alone and canst do what one pleases, thou art forgetting the old sage that dwelleth in thy heart and knoweth of all thou dost.”

That is the self that dwells in the anahata chakra, the heart center, and it would of course be the archetype of the wise old man.”

Nietzsche’s Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934-1939
Page 394


  1. Hi
    I like this quote, right to the point. How can I get permission to use this in my book I’m writing.
    What is the source?


  2. Deborah: Just cite the book, page, publisher etc… it’s “fair use” under the copyright laws

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