Carl Jung, on gazing into the face of absolute evil


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With a little self-criticism one can see through the shadow – so far as its nature is personal.

But when it appears as an archetype, one encounters the same difficulties as with anima and animus.

In other words, it is quite within the bounds of possibility for a man to recognize the relative evil of his nature, but it is a rare and shattering experience for him to gaze into the face of absolute evil.


 Collected Works 9ii

Paragraph 14



  1. How might one come, do you think, to “gaze into the face of absolute evil”, and what might this involve?

  2. Since “evil” and “good” in Jungian understanding are counterpoints of the same phenomenon, then “absolute good” must therefore be intrinsically related to “absolute evil” and therefore an awesome god-fearing experience to the human psyche encountering the fulfillment of its own Individuation., realizable and realized in the non-physical realm.

  3. There are none so blind as those who cannot see the inner core of the Self that is utterly undivided, unlike all of humanity that perpetually struggle to find wholeness.

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