Stone Sanctuary, Chapter 1: “I had to make a confession of faith in stone.”


It has a been a bit of a  puzzle to me why I have been so consistently drawn to working on the Stone Sanctuary for the last three years.

In the next few weeks, I hope to explore the symbolism of stones and the psychological process of working with stones.

The work above is the new work at the entrance to the Stone Sanctuary.   It is “dry-stone walling” — there is no mortar used in the construction of the wall, nor in most of the structures in the Sanctuary.

The stones are almost all from the same truckload, from an area several hours south of Fairbanks.   I think they must come from the Green Stone Mountain. 


 “Words and paper did not seem real enough to me.

To put my fantasies on solid footing, something more was needed.

I had to achieve a kind of representation in stone of my innermost thoughts and of the knowledge I had acquired.

Put another way, I had to make a confession of faith in stone.

That was the beginning of the tower, the house I built for myself at Bollingen.”

C.G. Jung

Memories, Dreams and Reflections
Page 212

Next: Carl Jung — Often the Hands Will Solve a Mystery

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