Carl Jung: Eggs in Alchemy


Figure 98, in Psychology and Alchemy


C.G. Jung:  Eggs in Alchemy

“In alchemy the egg stands for the chaos apprehended by the artifex, the prima materia containing the captive world-soul. Out of the egg — symbolized by the round cooking vessel — will rise the eagle or phoenix, the liberated soul, which is ultimately identical with the Anthropos who was imprisoned in the embrace of Physis.”

Psychology and Alchemy, page 202

 More about Physis

More about Anthropos

(“The Gnostic doctrine of the Anthropos, the androgynous original man caught in the embrace of Physis and in need of redemption.”)



  1. I thought it might be interesting to reflect, and I am sure we all know, that such archetypal symbolism remains just as active in the modern psyche as it did then. The modern mind just dresses things up in somewhat different “clothing”. I offer a dream of my own by way of example. So what happens when the egg is anointed, ingested, incubated, hatches? It cracks you wide open. What is liberated? What the liberator?

    D383: 27 September 1993. Swallowing the pill
    I have some sores, a cyst has appeared in my mouth. This is a worrying sign of decay and disease. I must go to the doctor and have them seen to or they will get worse and prevent me from speaking properly.

    At the doctors I must take two pills. One is a conventional tablet, that’s no problem. The second is more of a challenge. An “egg” must be swallowed. It is transparent and contains a golden amber fluid. I express doubts as to whether I can manage to swallow this. The nurse provides some oil as lubrication. When applied to the egg it becomes soft and pliable. In this condition the egg slips down my throat with little difficulty.

  2. I know it’s been 9 years since this comment, but I decided to respond anyway, since there were no answers and as much as my answer is only approximate, maybe I can help someone else interpret a similar dream.

    Your dream comes to be extremely interesting because it presents the symbology of the egg, like that of the self, as a healer in itself. The dream presents both a modern method of healing, purely chemical, and a psychic, spiritual, alchemical, Paracelsian “method” of healing. This method would be the method of the soul, of human life of healing, of finding oneself, swallowing the germ of the archetype of the self. The egg is both its germ and the coming to be of psychic life, guided by God, its round shape represents the mandala, which in turn has parallels with quaternity. All of this has to do with healing and protection, since it connects with the Self. I’d have to talk to you to explore what harm it would be in your mouth. What you say can do harm to yourself, perhaps this is the cause of your oral cysts, when your spirit feels offended, one can expect a bodily reaction like this. Otherwise, a conventional chemical tablet would be another form of “healing,” but by a non-spiritual means. Not that it is unnecessary, because your doctor has recommended a care also by chemical means. But this would be nothing without the swallowing of the egg, of the golden and divine matter. This is the healing that gives vigor to the spirit and beyond that, guides you on the right path.

  3. I would also like to add that in addition to what you say, anything else that has to do with the mouth, such as what is consumed, could affect your spirit. Apparently, the physical sometimes corresponds to the psychic, this is good to point out, but it is not a dogmatic statement.

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